Entity Rotation of 360 Degrees – Version Two:
Upon discussing my mastery videos with a tutor he noticed the method of 360 degree rotation that I was using and suggested I use a much simpler method as present below. Rather than performing the rotation in two phases with a time delay, rather Interpol a single degree every fame to the entities position through a key input. This worked perfectly as I was beginning to have issues with my own method as it would only work on two axis. However the new method required a lot more processing putting a large amount of pressure on the CPU slightly slowing down the level. However I remained to incorporate this method in the final mastery demonstration video. I have provided the flow graph below.
As I further begin to consider the final presentation of my porosity lens I am questioning whether to film the documentary externally or from first person. After considering this further I decided that part will be filmed externally and thus required me to learn how to do track view cameras. After researching this I discovered that it was simple and only involved the formation of a normal track view with an added ‘scene node’ line before creating a simple flow graph as outlined below. However due to the smooth motion capabilities of the camera I have decided to attempt to further attach the camera to the local player to present different perspectives. I have been unable to achieve this of yet, but will continue researching this into the future.
Entity Attachment and Detachment Experimentation Six:
Entity Attachment and Detachment Experimentation Six:
In terms of achieving my porosity lens I started to become very doubtful this week as to whether the attachment and detachment would even be possible to correctly manage due to the many attempted and failed experimentations I had carried out. However thankfully Vinh this week provided what he thought to be the solution. It was a very bold concept which we both believed would solve all problems. He proposed having an invisible skeleton with a parent centre point and then 8 children points which would move together around the faces of the cubes through a ‘mouse’ node available through the plug-in system. Further, each of the children points would test to determine whether a the skeletons child point is at the same point of the cube beneath it, if the subtraction of positions equalled zero it would attach (however through further testing by myself this equal was replaced with a less then 1). If the resultant was false it would remain detached. The conceptual sketch is included below to as how this system would work.
Through rigorous testing of this solution I further realised that as it was going to be impossible to have the local player walking normally vertically and upside as the faces rotate, rather the two opposite faces would rotate as a solution. However this meant the skeleton would become complex with now 17 children points. However through testing this solution it worked perfectly, in controlling the individual attachment of entities within faces. I even attempted to slightly alter the main attachment flow graph by placing a Entities: InRange node in the place of the mathematics to simplify it, however this failed so I kept with the original concept. Furthermore I was unable to get the mouse click plug-in working so I intend on researching other methods. I have included the two related flow graphs below in terms of the attachment control and the skeleton movement.
Skeleton Movement
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