Thursday, October 28, 2010

EXP 2: Week 4: Installation – Sketch Up Final Version

The collection of images below presents the final version of my custom installation for experiment two created as required within Google sketch up. As identified within the first installation post I identified the conceptual purpose intention of my design in terms of enhancing in a sense the understanding of depression between those who understand the depth and those who simple observe such from the exterior avoiding the complexity of the condition within an interactive environment.

The images above presents the final installation with the context of the transformed station prefab enabling one to clearly identify the overall complexity of what initially on paper appears rather simplistic, thus enhancing the overall purpose behind the design.

Within the following images above I have identified the three main components of my installation in terms of individual components. Firstly is the corner piece, in which there are a total of eight, allowing for the transition between the faces in all three axes when rotated. Next is the edge piece which allows for the transition between two faces upon which in total 12 exist. Finally is the centre piece upon where in total there six, allowing for simply directional change upon a face when the face is rotated.

The collection of images above presents the overall design of the installation together separated from the station prefab allowing one to observe the manner in which an individual is able to move upon three levels when rotated at any angle. Furthermore the manner in which the numerous planes interact with each other to enable someone to not only walk on one side of the surface but also the other when rotated.

Finally within the images above I have presented the installation divided into the individual sectional components to enable one to identify the manner in which each three types of piece interact with each other in a symmetrical and uniform sense.

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