Wednesday, October 27, 2010

EXP 2: Week 3: Installation – Sketch Up Development

The images below presents the beginning of the transformation between the sandbox components and the custom Sketch Up pieces with reference to my installation. With the basic concept decided upon I have begun to fine turn the layout of the doors to allow access between the various intersecting planes as documented below. Displayed below is also an image regarding the initial final design of the installation. The intent is to have slim and thin platforms which are very ‘light’ upon their impact on the structure.

Upon developing the concepts above I discovered that the notion of creating a thin series of platforms was not going to be successful due that there would not be enough room due to the requirement of doors. Thus the platforms will need to be wider to accommodate this, while remaining to be thin enough to fit between the structural members of the station.

The concept sketches above portray the development of my Sketch Up installation as I have begun to consider and plan a more effect layout of the doors between the various intersecting planes. This has been difficult as one needs to consider the path of the person walking to ensure for one that they are able to make it to the next door, and secondly that they are not going to step through and fall between. I have also begun to develop the potential notion of stairs and ramps between the levels to see if what I thought would not be able to be achieved could be in fact. This has been unsuccessful as there is not enough room between the various structural members and the openings within the planes. Furthermore they would need to twist back and forth as it would be too step to achieve in one run, thus meaning more room would be required as well as an extra level of complexity.

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