Friday, October 29, 2010

EXP 2: Week 5: Research Continued...

Time Of Day Experimentation:

Through collaborative research it has become apparent that through the Crymod website there are various time of day files which are able to be downloaded and run within any Crysis Sandbox level. I have decided to look into these to see whether there are any appropriate unique versions which would at all enhance my porosity lens documentary in terms of perhaps insinuating a strong sense of depression within the exterior environment. Through doing so I have discovered various possible options as documented below. The version in the upper left hand corner presents a true sense of loneliness through heavily scaled rain and a dense level of fog, while others present a grainy feel to the overall persona alluding conceptually to the sense of disorder. While I have also included a very realistic version which I have considered due to the extremely high quality it presents which may allow me to really define the night scenes and rain.
Entity Rotation – Local Player Tracking Version Two:

After initially discovering how I was able to control the main interactive feature of my porosity lens documentary I have been researching further into the possibilities of this notion of tracking the local players position to further refine the resultant rotations. Due to the manner in which the surfaces will rotate upon 3 axis I have been trying to identify this week whether it would be possible to lock each axis. Lucky with some assistance I have been able through the use of key inputs and logic gates. Such was achieved by breaking the previous flow graph down into the individual axis, and adding logic gates before the activation of the rotation, allowing such to be triggered by a key input. However for the final version I intend to, look at replacing these key inputs with proximity triggers which would be locate in the corners and edge pieces of the installation. I believe this would work due to the manner in which the entire cube remains rather stationary while simply the edge pieces and corners rotate. I have included the flow graph of this adjustment below.

Entity Attachment and Detachment Experimentation Four:

Following the failure of my initial attachment concept and the unreasonable option of using ray casting I have decided to look into proximity triggers. After some researching my intent was to utilise the “Inside” function of the node to simply determine whether particular cubes are within the trigger which would cover an entire face. However this proved to be much more difficult than expected due to the manner in which it is difficult gain various resultants instantly through a proximity trigger without testing each entity individually within the proximity trigger to determine whether the inside function is true or false for attachment. Even if the resultants are gained it remains difficult to assign them individual to an attachment management system which is required to check there position anyway to determine which cubes of the installation to attach in which order. I was lucky to consider this due to that it doesn’t apply to my tests within crysis as I have been using uniform cubes, thus the order is insignificant. While the station however is not uniform in its form and thus the order is critical. Such is presented below.

Entity Attachment and Detachment Experimentation Five:

Through the experimentation process of using proximity triggers to control the attachment and detachment of my installations components I was give advice to consider using rather the area trigger. I began researching this notion to discover it is basically similar to a proximity trigger. Through attempting to incorporate the actual area trigger within my experiment I discovered that this was difficult and tedious to achieve. Furthermore upon testing I remained to have the same core issues as associated in using the proximity triggers in terms of controlling various entities and their positions for attachment and detachment management. I therefore decided that this option was not viable and decided to refocus my attention somewhere else, while remaining to look into the crysis plug-in system for any other possible options.

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