Friday, October 29, 2010

EXP 2: Week 5: Data Representation within the Porosity Lens

Through this experiment I have discovered that data representation is simply not statistics or graphs etc, it is rather an art form of representation. Thus in considering the manner in which I am going to represent data within experiment two I decided to first research some data regarding the core elements of my porosity lens. Outlined below are the key points I have gathered from the research regarding depression which I undertook for further consideration in terms of representation.

- Depression appears within our lifestyles at different stages, whether it is in the teenage years of our youth, throughout our adulthood or in our later life due to other physically conditions.
- At any one given time within Australia, one in six men will experience depression while at the same time one in three women will, twice that of men.
- In terms of Australian youth it is believed one in twenty adolescents will experience depression, with the potential for such to develop further into their adult life.
- Focusing upon women, depression appears more commonly within younger women within the age bracket of roughly 15 to 45.
- Four times the number of young men commit suicide to that of young women according to the Australian Bureau of statistics, tripling within in the last 30 years.

Through the information discovered above I have deepened my personal knowledge of depression, which will now allow me to identify the most appropriate manner of representation within the experiment. After consideration I have decided to use my porosity lens as a means of if you will public awareness regarding depression as through the incorporation of such information will I allude to the manner in which depression exists within society. Thus interconnecting with my porosity lens in portraying the manner in which those who suffer interact within their environment.

Therefore I have decided to create custom textures that represent particular statistics above, applying them to my custom installation. Through doing so I will be able to allude within my documentary the manner in which depression surrounds everyday society, as the protagonist will directly interact with the representations as he moves throughout the environment. This will be enhanced through a juxtaposition of general tones within the environment as the light tone of the station and the installation work in contrast to the overall dark environment alluding to the presence of depression within our every day environments further.

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