Thursday, November 4, 2010

EXP 2: Week 7: Documentary Inspirations

- Inception Film Trailer -

The film inception is a prime example of the physical state of an environment I am attempting to achieve within my porosity lens documentary, especially as presented at the stage of 44 seconds in. It portrays perfectly the notion of an environment which is out of order and contorting to the interactions of the individuals. Through such strong and yet simple interactions is one able to study the manner in which those interactions alter the individuals environment, and more importantly there mental state, thus my porosity lens.

- This Mortal Coil -

The particular video above presents an interesting manner of emotional portrayal. It effectively stimulates the related emotions to the content of the video through the use of audio and presentation. Something which I wish to achieve within my porosity lens in terms of presenting an emotionally depressive state. In particular I like the manner in which the video begins through the use of small captions to focus the attention of the responder, a technique which I may use myself.

- Sin City Trailer -

The video above presents an interesting presentation method enhancing the use of black and white through the use of high lightening colour. Through unique presentation filming views is the viewer stimulated to delve deeper into the meaning behind. Furthermore this particular video develops on portraying a depressive state as rain and light is used in association with a night sky to create an overall very gloomy and dark environment.

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