Friday, November 5, 2010

Research Experiment: FINAL TUTORIAL VIDEO

Attachment and Detachment of Numerous Independently Moving Entities


The final version of my video tutorial regarding the attachment and detachment of various independently moving entities is presented above for final submission. The video has been separated into 4 key stages; the demonstration cubes formation, the setting out of the rotation points and mechanism, the setting out of the skeleton and its related operations and finally the attachment between the skeleton and the rotating mechanism. For further ease of understanding and convenience each flow graph is presented at the beginning of the tutorial as well as a table of content outlining when each stage of the tutorial begins. Finally I have attempted to present the tutorial with a sense style to engage the responder visually.

Research Experiment: 500 WORD TUTORIAL STATEMENT

With regards to the intention of my video tutorial regarding the application of flow graph nodes within a unique and interesting manner I decided to develop the notion of attaching and detaching individually and independently moving uniform entities. Through developed research I have discovered that there is serve lack of information and tutorials regarding complex operations of numerous entities management. Thus through my tutorial will the responder be presented with a manner in managing and controlling numerous entities within the field of rotation.

The tutorial subject is classified as advanced and portrays such through the formation of basically a Rubik’s cube within the Sandbox Editor requiring the responder to have a basic understanding of the program. The technique used involves the formation of an invisible skeleton (which at the beginning is visible to allow for set up) which moves around the exterior of the main cube, checking upon a key press whether the cube beneath is in the correct position for attachment. If true it attaches if false it does not. Such allows for individual entities to be managed within a larger overall state.

With regards to the body of information at which my video tutorial influences I wished to explore simply the field of as stated advanced entity management. Research upon the general internet and more specifically, Cry Wiki, CryMod and You Tube has presented it to be quite clear that there is limited information within this field as currently there only exists basic information on such as attaching an entity to the local player. Through my tutorial I will fill in the body of knowledge comprehensively and in a manner which will allow the individual to adapt the concepts presented in their own manner, thus meaning my tutorial will not only present a single notion and concept but rather provide a gateway to extendable knowledge achieved through individuals interaction, perception and adaptations of my video tutorials concepts.

In terms of the presentation of my tutorial I have considered the options between verbal and written communication upon their various positive and negative aspects. In terms of verbal communication I identified the notion of direct connect as the individual is engaged by the voice of a real human. However when one outlines a very complex and detailed concept it is sometimes hard to follow and keep up with what they are presenting. While written tutorials although not necessarily as in engaging allows the individual to pause the video at the various stages noting the concepts and processing them in their own time. Therefore I have decided to present my tutorial using written communication due to the complexity of my tutorial. The tutorial is divided into relative stages, upon were each stage is further divided into individual steps. Each series of steps is presented, before then the relative video for those steps is displayed while a small letter in the upper left hand corner alludes to the current step at which the video is up to within that stage.


- Depressions Complex Continuum -


Presented above is the final version of my porosity lens documentary for final submission. The documentary is titled “Depressions Complex Continuum” as it intends on outlining the manner in which an individual with depression interacts with their environment with reference to their mental state. The beginning of the documentary portrays an initially formed station which as the protagonist begins to simply walk through, changes becoming disordered from its original state, portraying the notion that individuals with depression through interaction may cause disorder within their own mental state and environment. While however as the documentary progresses the protagonist begins to run in the search for order within his environment and thus mental state. Such increased momentum alludes to the emotional state of anxiety related to depression while at the end when the protagonist eventually restores order, as presented through the re-formation of the original state of order upon the station, he remains suspended within his environment and thus depressions continuum, until eventually it consumes his entirety.

EXP 2: Final Sketch Up File

The link below presents the final Sketch Up file collaboration. It includes my custom installation together and separated, the modified station model together and separated, the installation and station together as a single unit and the station and installation separated with textures applied.

EXP 2: Final Crysis Levels and Object Files

The provided links below allow for the download of my levels folder and objects folder regarding Experiment Two. Note however due to the extreme complexity of final level concept, for filming purposes I was unable to film every series within one file due to that every computer I attempted such on either crashed and ran so slowly that fraps was basically just taking a series of stills. Therefore each take is separated into individual aspects of the three main journeys the protagonist portrays within the final documentary.

Levels Download:

Objects Download:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

EXP 2: Week 7: Documentary Inspirations

- Inception Film Trailer -

The film inception is a prime example of the physical state of an environment I am attempting to achieve within my porosity lens documentary, especially as presented at the stage of 44 seconds in. It portrays perfectly the notion of an environment which is out of order and contorting to the interactions of the individuals. Through such strong and yet simple interactions is one able to study the manner in which those interactions alter the individuals environment, and more importantly there mental state, thus my porosity lens.

- This Mortal Coil -

The particular video above presents an interesting manner of emotional portrayal. It effectively stimulates the related emotions to the content of the video through the use of audio and presentation. Something which I wish to achieve within my porosity lens in terms of presenting an emotionally depressive state. In particular I like the manner in which the video begins through the use of small captions to focus the attention of the responder, a technique which I may use myself.

- Sin City Trailer -

The video above presents an interesting presentation method enhancing the use of black and white through the use of high lightening colour. Through unique presentation filming views is the viewer stimulated to delve deeper into the meaning behind. Furthermore this particular video develops on portraying a depressive state as rain and light is used in association with a night sky to create an overall very gloomy and dark environment.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

EXP 2: Week 7: Research Continued...

Entity Rotation Fall Through Problem:
Upon further implementation of my porosity lens concept and testing I discovered that when an basic physics entity is rotated the enabling of collisions is disabled, thus one falls right through when walking on the surface. However after discussing the issue with a friend he suggested I try implementing a small physics impulse to reset the physics upon each frame. Furthermore after posting it within the forum, Russell suggested that rather using a basic physics entity I rather use a Geometric Entity. Upon testing this I discovered that this was the best solution due to the simplicity of it, as it allowed me to walk over any surface of the rotated entity. However due to time constraints I was unable to go through the long process of switching all 27 components to geometric entities before re positioning them, so rather I decided to portray my porosity lens through AI’s. This proved to work very well from an external filming point of view as well as first person due to the manner in which particular AI expressions are rather depressed, enhancing the persona of my documentary with reference to my porosity lens brief.

Camera Attachment to Protagonist:

Through previous camera research I discovered the manner in which one is able to control a camera using the flow graph to present the view in game mode, while I wished to further learn how to attach the camera’s view to a moving person. I discovered this through research, as all you need to do is set up the camera within track view as normal but with only one position set, ensuring the track view’s length runs for as long as you wish to record. From here you create the normal flow graph, adding the usual Entity: AttachChild set up to attach the camera to either the local player or an AI. Such is outlined below.

AI Path Experimentation:

In the discussion of using AI’s to portray my porosity lens documentary I realised that I would be required to learn how to operate AI paths which I was able to do so through some research. Simply one creates a path ensuring the snap to terrain is set, outlining the path before placing the AI you wish to have walk along it at the beginning. One should note that for such to work the AI paths ‘road’ setting must be turned off. From here you simply use the following flow graph to attach the AI to the path setting a trigger. I also discovered that I needed to refresh and generate AI navigations before running it to ensure it works.