Monday, August 30, 2010

EXP1: Final Statement / Conclusion

Through this experiment one is able to conclude with reference to the final porosity hypothesis, that we have successfully perceived the nature of explosions upon various sized structure elements within an architectural example. Through the use of 2,675 individual physic entities we have been able to enhance the notion of fluidity within porosity as the prefab Town Hall station is relieved of basic structural elements. We conclude that the nature of an explosion with reference to porosity is independent of the size of the architectural elements and explosions. Such is evident within the path of each individual physics component, as we identify the unique linear and rotational nature within the elements own global co-ordinates.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

EXP1: Final Porosity Video

- Flim Caption -

A custom machinima portraying porosity within an architectural context, through various explosive interactions with a total of 2,675 individual physic entities. Such presents fluidity as the structure is revealed.

Note: Please view video at "480p" rather then "360p" for the best quality.

EXP1: Final Porosity Hypothesis

"To analysis the nature of explosions upon various size structural elements within a piece of architecture to examine porosity in terms of whether the general nature remains independent from the size of the elements and explosions. Upon were the physics entities and explosions will represent the independent variables while the nature of the response will portray the dependent variable".

EXP1: Crysis and Sketch-Up File Uploads

- Google Sketch-Up: Ramp, Platform and Entity File -
- Crysis Level and Object Files -

EXP1: Final Environment Design

The image above portrays the final environment used within exp1. It is one of an island context, upon were the the Town Hall station prefab appears suspended between the two halves of the island acting as a bridge. I have attempted to keep it simple yet realistic to enhance the complex nature of the explosions.

The image above presents the final position of the Town Hall station prefab within my exp1 environment. Such images present the various physics entities, of the various size tiles or bricks which fill in a proportion of the interior and exterior walls of the structure.

EXP1: Final Ramp and Entity Designs

Final Sketch-Up components. Moving from left to right: The final ramp design, Moving platform, small physics entity, medium physics entity and large physics entity.

The image above presents the final ramp design within my final exp1 Crysis environment. The design is inspired by the traditional escalators found at a railway station. The ramp weaves through the framework of the Town Hall Station prefab, separating to lead off too two moving platforms. At the other end, the ramp interconnects with a formed station tunnel which leads to an additional platform at the opposite end of the Station prefab.

The image above presents the textures used within the environment upon the physics entities ranging from the smallest to the largest as specified.

5a: Marking Criteria

Monday, August 23, 2010

Task 4b: Documentary Style

Observational Mode: For my custom documentary video regarding experiment one I intend produce a “Observational” style production. I have chosen this mode due to the notion of the relativly long fluid takes and the use of synchronous sound. The notion of the long takes will take form as my video will be divided into 5 sections which will each have roughly 3 seperate videos, each accompanied and interconnected using appropriate sound to create appropriate mood. Although this may seem to contradict the notion of an observational mode, it is through such fludity within the sections which convey the perception of such a documentary. Such will enhance the notion of the hypothesis being tested, deepening the depth at which the exploration will occur. The observational style is most appropriate to my designed hypothesis due to the structure of the experiment, as the sections will present the explosions upon the frame work, in terms of the station and accompanying scaled structures.

Task 3a-4a: Crysis Rope and Hinge Experiment / Sony Vegas Test

The video below presents an experimentation regarding the creation of ropes and hinges within Crysis. The first part of the video presents a series of hinged sections (created in Sketch-up) which are under a tensional force applied to one end. Such produces a 'wave' movement throughout the sections. The second part of the video presents the way in which ones perspective within a structure changes when structure begins to separate and rotate. I have decided to include weeks 4 and 5 tasks together due my absence in week 5. Sony Vegas has been used to crop and connect the two video's together, where a nice transition has been applied between them.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Task 2d: Draft Explosion Hypothesis

Through a series of documented experiments I intend on exploring the notion that the nature of an explosion on a piece of architecture remains the same independent of the size of the architecture upon where the explosive force is a constant.

Task 2c: Crysis Station and Ramp

The image above presents the imported station and my draft design of my ramp. The ramps design intends to work as a paradox in terms of an endless ramp, as one rises continually and as result falls, returning to the origin. The design and construction still needs to be refined, as well as its interaction with the environment.
The images above and below present the imported station model portraying its interaction with the environment in draft form. The station works as almost a bridge joining two separate landforms together, as a extension of the notion that a train station allows and connects people with various locations.

Task 2b: Other Village Structures

The image above represents the first extension of the village structure task. I have decided upon an outhouse as a smaller contrast to the original village house. This works in reference to my explosion hypothesis in terms of studying the effects of explosions on numerous size structures with a constant explosive force.

The image above represents the second installment of the village structure extension task as I have imported a gas station. This presents a larger example of a structure in contrast to the original village and the installment of the outhouse with reference to the explosion hypothesis as mentioned above.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Task 2a: Village Explosion Experimentation

The images above and below present the general placement of the village building within my prototype Crysis environment. To develop the realism of the prototype I have included a environment surrounding the building in context.

Within the images below and above I have attempted to in the capturing of them present the prototype in a unique view to enhance the realism potential of the program.

Village Video 1

The video above presents a explosion in its most pure form of interaction with architecture as it deconstructs a village house. We identify the manner in which the interrelating sections of the structure interact with each other when the building is not only standing in form but also when it is collapsing.

Village Video 2

The video above presents and interesting perspective and an explosion interacting with a piece of architecture as we are able to capture the shock wave of energy for a split second. A shock wave which initiates the collapsing of the individual sections of the structure as a result of the explosive force.

Other Building Video 1

This particular video above interconnects with my explosion hypothesis as we are able to identify the effects of an explosion on a smaller scale piece of architecture upon were the explosive force remains constant as within the other examples above.

Task 1b: Cliff and Cave Experimentation

The image above presents a test carried out in the formation of an overhanging cliff with the Crysis Sandbox.

The image above represents a test in creating a cave within the Crysis sandbox, upon were an additional material has been applied to the interior.

Task 1a: Basic Crysis Modelling

The images above and below presents a prototype land form within Crysis. I have attempted in this test too use a variety of tools within the modifier, from the raise and lower, to the flatten tool. The land form portrays a sense of 'mystery' as between the various views the extent and scale of land is different.

This notion of a different scale and extent appears evident within the images above and below as in particular it seems the island to the right (above) and to the front (below) appears to be a different size in relation to the rest of the land form.